Surfing the Waves of Change

So here we all are, on the other side of a coin, the other side of a world crisis, the other side of life where the choices we made impacted upon the trajectory of lives. How do we even move forward fearlessly again in making decisions, if we wanted too, in the lives we have for the rest of our time here on Earth.  Deciding for ourselves, not dictated too by others opinions, or by a disjointed government hell bent on destroying our individual rights under a guise of health and freedom.

How do we adapt, move, dance with these ever changing times, without the shadow of fear lurking in every corner of the planet waiting silently, ready to pounce on our every waking thought, creating indecision and doubt within our individual  minds that we become paralyzed and incapable of physical and emotional movement.

So how do we adapt to change on any level.

Do we slip back into old comfortable behavioral patterns that feel so familiar and safe as coping mechanisms or do we take a leap of faith into a chasm of the unknown and trust our own instincts, the same instincts many in the past have told us we can’t trust. These feelings we call a knowing in our gut that tells us when something doesn’t feel right, that someone may be telling us a lie, that a situation we maybe in right now isn’t safe for us or the facts we’re being told don’t match up with the actions.

Or do we accept the new dance card and take up the offer of change and allow the new steps of a familiar waltz gently soothe our confused state of mind into a deeper more easy state of grace that we can groove with seamlessly. One that allows an easier transition of thought that flows with the wave of change and not against it.  Lets consider taking a brave step into a place where our own thoughts, feelings and actions take centre stage in our making choices, in a way unfamiliar and scary for our mind but yet excites and creates euphoria and joy in our heart energy. 

When we think of the energy of change, how it impacts upon us in ways that defy human logic or understanding, how are we coping, how are we accepting or denying change into our lives. How is the way that we are now making choices which impact upon our personal relationships, our connections with friends and family. How are we coping with change on all its levels.

Some of us run for hills away from change, denying its very existence in our lives, refusing to budge or move from a solid stance of ‘ head in the sand mentality ‘ While others fearlessly embrace change like a lost lover and revel in a forgotten yet familiar fragrance that creates intoxicating thoughts of excitement and joy. The heady concoction of the new fragrance begins creating new synapses in our brain promising delightful pleasures we had only dreamed of yet now have become a reality for us.

This is the change I seek, the change I long for, dream about night after night in a lost world of dreaming of wanting, of craving a different outcome to a repetitive pattern of behavior. I am thirsty for this new water source, that provides unlimited potential and energy spaces for new creations. To live a life soul inspired and full of my soul essence that I become a magnetic attraction for others on our Earth who choose the same path as me. We have so many analogies around what we perceive change to be or represent.

Here in this blog I refer to change as waves, ebbing and flowing, sometimes calm and tranquil other times stormy and impossible to tame. Surfers can tell you so much more about their personal interpretations of how waves flow, move and their creation affects their abilities to surf the perfect wave. So for myself this explanation fits this story in a way I hope the reader can emphasize with and understand.

Whatever your journey is in life I hope that change doesn’t become a road block for you. Instead it becomes an easy to get too off ramp into an unknown destination of a greater truth and knowing of yourself. That those you surround yourself with on a day to day basis, can aid you along the way with helpful signposts that provide confirmation that your experience albeit different to everyone elses, has a resonance of truth familiar to all of us here today. We are not alone on this journey, even though it feels that way at times.

Kaiaua – 9th September 2022

Continue reading “Surfing the Waves of Change”

Who do you become in a crisis

Matingarahi Point, Firth of Thames 2022

I am sitting here on my deck in Kaiaua, contemplating a series of events that have unfolded recently. An incredible group of individuals whom I like to refer to as Freedom Supporters came together here in New Zealand and choose to gather within the Parliament grounds in our capital city of Wellington. Now this dynamic group of people represented a core of nationalties from around our country who believed in the freedom to choose, there was no racial divide only New Zealanders united in their thoughts their actions, their hearts.

Unfortunately the ending of the occupation of Parliament grounds was very brutal, destructive, divisive and deeply distressing for many still who were in attendance. The actions of our Police force against innocent people, mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, will live as a memory in people’s minds and hearts for a very long time to come.

The existing powers in control of the people, through a dictatorship governing of the country created these mandates where a segregation of people became very obvious. You were classed either vaccinated or unvaccinated. Depending on which group you belonged, it afforded you many luxury benefits and minimal restrictions yet for others callous restrictions causing loss of income, jobs, homes and connections with elderly loved ones and family.

I witnessed for myself from my home here in Kaiaua through many live streams from the time the united village existed in Wellington, images of joy, of unity, of a mask-less society, all smiling and walking gently beside each other without a worry or concern. This was a small form of Utopia existing within the confounds of fear, anxiety, distress, anger which existed outside the village in most people and inside the Beehive where the Members of Parliament hid for the duration of this protest gathering.

Unfortunately all peaceful intentions can be infiltrated by other agendas and organizations that wanted to support a more disruptive aggressive stance. This supported and created a misconception of the originally intended gathering of a peaceful loving community.

As an outside observer, perhaps more awake to these deceptive means and with the use of organized sound warfare through EMF waves being continuously blasted out towards the peaceful protestors the mood within the crowd began to disintegrate and change. People became very fearful for their lives, physically sick and unwell and chose to leave the camp for calmer waters mainly their homes away from the hub in Parliament grounds.

That Day … when the peaceful grounds of the Camp were physically assaulted by our Police force at the instruction of our government, property destroyed in a callous and determined attempt by a robotic police presence to stamp out the resistance. To eradicate the vermin on Parliament grounds, to assault, physically in the name of the law innocent citizens of New Zealand, mothers, fathers, children and grandparents alike. To witness this behavior of our Police force was the most horrendous vision I had ever seen. The energy that accompanied the vision of brutality was an eye opener for sure.

As an Energy Intuitive it is the energy I felt in my whole being that truly frightened me, such powerful strong energy of anger, hatred, directed at ordinary Kiwis.

Why ???

Because they chose to align themselves with a different narrative, one that supported freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom to think for themselves, to do their own research beyond a controlling narrative from our government. To feel blackmailed by ones emotions and the fear of not being able to support yourself or your family because your freedom to choose cost you your job, your home, your relationships. Cost you your Life.

Here we are in May 2022 and the government is backing away from mandates, too little too late for many who have lost everything. Vaccines/booster shots however are still being pushed via constant propaganda from our MOH and our controlled mass media. There are sudden resignations of individuals who held such high positions in government, appearing quite normal really. What is happening? What is really going on ? Nobody is speaking the truth yet people are still convinced the government narrative is the only truth, because they wouldn’t lie to us. They have our best interests at heart, they care about us, don’t they.

So who do you become in a crisis?

Where do you stand when all hell breaks loose and the walls of shame come tumbling down. When the evidence keeps piling up against the medical and government written and spoken words of distress, fear and control. This experience has given many of us opportunities to stand together united in our thoughts or far a part from each other as former friends, work colleagues and family members. Divided by our individual perceptive fears and belief systems, coerced into thinking our own thoughts and feelings weren’t to be trusted. When everything around us is constantly bombarding our own individual thoughts or feelings that resonate with an energy of robotic mind control. Our news media, the constant repetitive spoken word in advertisement form to ‘ get booster shots, get vaccinated ‘ Our written forms of news, speak of a doom and gloom atmosphere that has attachments to the last three years of change.

What is our go too emotional response at the time of a crisis?

Are we able to discern a truth for ourselves in amongst all of the hyper sensitized information on offer, words on paper or in spoken form that create a certain emotive reaction of fear, disbelief even out right indignation and laughter at the pure absurdity of what it is we are witnessing before us. The internet offers so many opportunities to discern the truth, the lies, the distortion in factual form that morph into stories that resemble either fiction or non fiction.

Our emotions, how we choose to handle day to day experiences are guide posts for where we are at here in this present moment of our lives. Sometimes the emotions and their responses turn into a highway of junk emails in our personal consciousness that requires a delete file. We need to decide if our responses warrant a written or verbal form, and if so to make conscious choices to act harmoniously with these replies in a timely fashion. It is actually okay to push a pause button and allow yourself time before responding.

In ending this conversation here about our reactive mind body and soul, in a crisis how do we handle them. Do we have enough support mechanisms in place for these situations, or do we simply sweep the problems under a proverbial carpet and pretend they don’t exist. Either way our personal actions will determine our response times in a crisis which collectively says alot about us as individuals.

I hope we can become the type of people who aren’t afraid to stand up and be noticed for having a different perspective, for believing in a outcome that doesn’t fit a certain worldwide narrative. For truly living our own authentic frequency of truth, of justice of love for all of humanity. These are the kind of people I wanna grow old with, spend the rest of my life with on the planet we all call Earth.

Your Consciousness Speaks Your Truth

How does our individual consciousness speak a truth that can be heard by others in a way that inspires or creates a momentarily shift in our individual way of thinking?

I have thought about this question often lately as I sit contemplating my life and how I could be more of an inspiration to others outside of my personal space here in Kaiaua.

I have returned from living overseas for four months, with my family in Australia, having been through a deeply personal experience that has significantly change me in many ways.

Human emotions of judgment, sorrow, joy, anger, laughter, grief and finally peace and calm became heightened during the months away from my family and friends here at home.

My individual ability to hold my own soul sovereignty in the midst of emotional turmoil was tested time and time again.

Our granddaughter underwent a donor valve transplant operation, in April and as her Nannie living in New Zealand, I traveled in January to support the family through this transitional time.

I traveled through a window in time when green flights to Australia first became available. The timeline for her surgery was still undecided. Due to the donor aspect of her surgery, a physical match was needed and an energy match as well. So time for this to unfold was important, it was beyond our control as a family, we needed to wait on a medical opportunity to present itself.

The travel arrangements were under a blanket of not being able to return for at least 4/5 months, this provided a certain amount of anxiety obviously.

The freedom to return at will somehow taken away from me by government controls and fears, how was I going to cope with that uncertainty? By remembering my faith, my trust was within a higher power and when the divine timing was right, I would be able to return within a time period where quarantine time in a hotel upon returning was no longer necessary.

The surgery was a physical success, the energy match in the end was in alignment with her little Soul, our family forever changed by this experience in so many ways. The original soul agreement of the organ donation was changed at the last moment, during surgery itself, in the end through energy transmutation work our organ match was in alignment with her soul agreement. Surgical procedures need to be respectful of the energetics of human organs into other human bodies and how that has an overall healing outcome for the recipient and for the soul who has passed over and whose organs you are now using.

From the spiritual perspective of myself, someone who fully understands these implications on the living survivors, like my granddaughter Aallyn-Louise, we really need to gain a much deeper respectful stance on these medical procedures. It isn’t a case of lets just stick another persons heart into another persons body without soul energy repercussions.

I had begun this blog several times over, and a constant pause button in play on the completion process has cropped up each time. Perhaps the ever changing tides of human emotions and experiences have altered the timeline for this peice. So I contemplate once again how human consciousness can ebb and flow depending on the environmental impact of worldwide and current events within our own individual timelines.

We are again here in New Zealand going through another Lockdown, restrictions of our freedom of choice being imposed against us from our leading government in power, in the name of health, safety and our protection. There are varied and many debates raging across our communities currently, do we vaccinate or do we abstain. Should we get tested at every sniffle, cough or sore throat in case we have the killer virus, or can we trust our own bodies to build up our immune systems so we can fight of these mutating viruses as they become more present on our planet. Do we believe the conspiracy theorists as valid truth information or shrug them off for mindless dribble of misinformation.

So many decisions to make, to consider, however do we decide. My personal experience to date is that this infighting between one another, within our communities in which we all live is proving successful. We have families on different sides of the fence, for and against, fighting with one another over a basic human right ‘ to choose – free will ‘ . Our divine energy of pure Love being used as a weapon against one another, coupled with fear of death thrown in there to strengthen the cause. Humanity is becoming weighted down by all of this exhausting fight, on all levels, mind, body and spirit.

There are those of us fighting for our individual freedom to choose, struggling day to day for the right to be heard, vilified and bullied by others to conform, bow down and shut up, do as your told conversations. I am one of those people fighting to be heard, to be listened too, I ask you consider my thoughts, with kindness and gentleness, motivated by a deep love for all of humanity, to hold a grounded energy of truth, for others to discern for themselves without governmental propaganda influencing them differently.

I live in a divided household, I maintain my solid grounded stance on how I view current events, while respecting others within my home who hold a different view, a view following the narrative of conform or else. I did not survive a life affirming surgery 14 years ago to gain a 2nd chance at living to be coerced by marital obligations to do it my way, I know best. We’ve spent a very long time together, however truthfully that offers no guarantees in life. Your fears are not mine, your experiences are yours not mine. A marriage does not mean follow me blindly through life either. It means respectfully allowing one another separate lifestyles of living while maintaining mutual spaces of unity.

We lived separately for a four month period, I was with family overseas during our medical experience, he lived in a home he turned into a bachelor pad for four months which consisted of the obligatory dead plants and a layer of dust everywhere. On my returning to ones beloved home by the water this year this is what greeted me. It took me a long while to come into an understanding of why he lived this way while I was gone, there was no blame, just a deeper understanding of how individual souls cope when change is thrust upon them.

Our individual consciousness is what speaks our truth, from the human perspective of our lives, our personal experiences our timelines. How we voice our thoughts, our fears, our loves is an outcome of personal growth.

How do we then maintain our ability to remain confident and strong in our choices, to stand a part from the crowd and observe the comings and goings on around us with a sense of neutrality while not obsorbing the emotional impact. Emotions from others around us can become like a form of osmosis and try as we might, those outside feelings and highly charged opinions make its way into our own consciousness. If not kept in check our own opinions,and ideas become enmeshed with the current narrative of distortion, fear, pain and regret.

So as a suggestion, try to keep yourself spiritually clean, gather with others when possible to build up and strengthen your spiritual views, and be a part of this world while not actually living within its decaying walls. Keep your mind and heart busy with joyful and magical activities that create a childlike wonder and laughter. These are the emotions of the future, our central nervous system conditioned into a fight or flight response mode needs the pause button in play, an opportunity to reset and refocus and start again from a place less stressful.

We can all do this from a conscious level of awareness, that requires a willing and open heart, ready to leap into an energy space of hope. Take the time, to truly hear the sound of your own voice, your own thoughts, your own power to choose the journey ahead of you. To understand and feel your own vibration of truth in amongst the rubble of discord and grief of a lost world, a broken home and a lifestyle now in disarray because you choose to believe differently.

Reflection from a Loving Heart Space.

Kaiaua – Sunrise February 2021

Reflecting from a loving heart space… what does that even mean? As always with these blogs I can only speak from a place of personal experience. So as I pause in this moment and reflect back on our year 2020 with a gentle eye and a forgiving heart, I am speechless in ways I did not think was possible. A world wide pandemic, lockdowns, deaths, global fear, persecution from speaking out, distrust of ourselves, our neighbors. Loss of income, suffering worldwide and mainstream media bullying tactics by misleading the public constantly with their news items. Isolation and a deeper understanding of what we perceived as normal no longer the norm. What does that mean for humanity? It meant for many of us the lack of human contact with our families, with our friends. It meant not being able to attend family celebrations, gatherings,births, deaths and marriages. It meant moving houses and creating new lives without the support of immediate families and friends. There were total lockdowns of schools, workplaces, redundancies, job losses, and worldwide panic about how to survive into the future. Here we all are on the other side of 2020 and staring down the barrel of a new year, 2021 that arrived with a flurry of promises fanfare and most importantly the word hope was spoken of in many various news items and in places online that held vibrations that fed into a spiritual agenda. On a personal note of reflection we managed to sell a family home during a pandemic and moved to lived in Kaiaua,outside of Auckland City where the photo above was taken. At the beginning of the year there was an air of promise, our family home of 25+ years was ready for a shift in ownership, then our year of 2020 morphed into a worldwide science fiction movie plot, of an alien virus invasion, military controls, fear and anxiety were at a premium. The debate to wear or not to wear facial coverings a constant topic for discussion. Restrictions placed upon the whole of humanity regarding gatherings with loved ones, family, friends. The freedoms we had once had regarding international and domestic travel curtailed in favour of a lockdown mentality where many of us experienced, severe emotional distress, depression, isolation just to name a few. The word ‘ normal ‘ became the new worldwide media glam word, used time and time again in media junkets, to explain the fear of change happening around the world. Constant bombardment from our mindless TV media icons, radios, emblazoned across flashing digital bill boards,neon road work signage. Nothing was sacred anymore, the mass mind control had begun. Yet a small contingent of humanity could feel sense, intuitively knew things were not what they all seemed. They followed a different spiritual agenda outside of the normal perceived outlook of doom and gloom. This hasn’t been an easy road, because the energy upon our planet has felt so dense, so heavy,to the point of suffocating our own individual ability to think for ourselves. No one was truly immune to the energy dis-ease upon our beautiful blue green planet Earth, as our fears rose to the surface of our emotions, it became very difficult at times to feel safe in our own little sacred parts of the world. Here we sit in the month of March 2021 almost a year to date that all of this madness upon the Earth began. What have we learnt? Are we any better of from the isolation, the restrictions imposed to encroach upon our own individuality and freedom of speech? Have we eradicated the alien virus? Are our loved ones,families and friends safe from a future outbreak? So many questions, so many unanswered prayers. Reflecting from a loving heart space has taught me to be very gentle,kind and loving to myself, my mindset, my heartspace. To find ways to safeguard my mind and heart from an insidious frequency of mind control, to surround myself with like minded light infused soul sistars and brothers who held a belief similar to myself that all wasn’t truly right in this world. We unitedly held an energy space for truth,for the hidden agendas to be exposed, while maintaining our own individual and at times collective integrity and grace in tough emotional situations. The energy of grief still reigns supreme over the entire planet, and at times it is felt like a dark blanket of heaviness that feels unbearable to carry, yet carry it we must. Those of us who are able to transmute the darker energy into a higher vibration of light do this willing and without claiming the headlines. From a loving heart space we hold onto hope, we practice deep and profound faith, the type not based on a religious format, we believe another outcome is possible, even while witnessing doom and gloom globally. We learn to flow with a higher vibration of energy that is very present in presence upon our Earth. We gather where we can in groups, with our loved ones, our friends and families holding a loving non judgmental heart space for each other, knowing there is yet to come an,alternative outcome for all humanity, so that many of us can continue to live,laugh,cry even love. Allowing fear to no longer have a seat at the table in our lives. The possibility of another alien virus invasion truly a hollywood script writers dream sequence and not the current Earth reality in this now moment.

Boundaries, Self care and Grounded-ness … Say What ???

So here we all are, looking into July 2020 midway through thinking to ourselves, what a year to date and what a month. Seriously though, our thoughts themselves are rushing over each other tumbling out of our mouths in a flood of emotions encased in fear, anxiety and stress infused wordspeak which sounds like nonsense at times as we feel them echoing around us within the hollow walls in which we live. We have many all over our social media platforms expressing themselves in a way that actually incites rage, anger and immense fear, in all of humanity at this time. This energy platform is therefore causing alot of distress for many of us to the point where we have reconsidered our social media alliances. We are waking up to the simple fact that this form of media, is no longer resonating for us, and have decided to withdraw our energy from it.

I am one person who made a decision to discontinue a connection and instead I am somewhere else posting inspiration messages and sharing my energy awareness. It is a form of social media addiction, because the pull to stay or to check up on your posts to see who likes what, becomes so mindlessly addictive. I have had many a conversation recently with friends about the useful nature of social media, and as an individual it becomes a personal choice to stay or to go. I remember thinking at the time, I can always go back, log on and see whats up on my page, but I actually haven’t. I took the social media app completely of my smartphone, and tablet and computer. I can still chat to my friends through a connected app on my phone, which is more than enough.

I worried for a while I was disappointing my friends by not being online posting inspirational posts daily and propping people up emotionally and energetically, I had previously got so many encouraging messages about my page I felt that my decision to leave would cause more harm than good. However nothing has happened, the sky did not fall down, there was no huge global catastrophe that altered all planetary alignments by my departure. The world is still revolving somewhat normally, and despite our current global pandemic crisis, life is okay, I didn’t say good, I said okay. Its funny how when assuming a role of a healer and that of an energy intuitive the egoic nature of the human personality can somewhat be convinced our presence in this social platform will be mourned. Que alot of laughing from the ether above and below, there are many ways we can connect with others around the world and within our social communities that doesn’t require us to be constantly online communicating our messages, our thoughts our perspective.

Which leads me into a conversation about boundaries, now speaking from personal experience at the beginning of my journey into an awaken state, my spiritual mindset at that time was that we are all about love and light and therefore we should hug everyone to spread that light. I remember a conversation with a mutual friend where I said – but I am cosmic and from the cosmos, there are no boundaries out there … ( more laughter ) of which there actually are, but not in a conceptual way in which I can explain right now, that quantum enthused conversation is for another day, another blog. So my personal struggles over this lengthy journey has been connected to my own ability to understand the deeper meaning of boundaries and what they mean from a human personality context. Learning to value my own time, my energy, my thoughts, my works my deeds. Understanding my role as a healer and as an energy intuitive that it isn’t my job to heal everyone to the point of personal and energy exhaustion. I am learning ( big smile on my face ) that what matters the most is your presence, in a grounded state of total awareness. To truly listen with an open heart with wisdom and peace as borders into a deeper expression of self in the moment it is required.

It is enough to be present as a clear vessel for source energy to move through, unobstructed by personality thoughts or emotional filters, to understand you are but a vessel itself for energy and not a container of it. To observe the moment not absorb it. Understanding the soul being present in this human vessel has inherited devine abilities to heal themselves, all they sometimes need is to be given the keys to those perceived lock doors into their own innate untapped healing by someone who is familiar with energy work and how it all flows.

‘ Boundary – a limit of something abstract, especially a subject or sphere of activity ‘ dictionary meaning.

Makes alot of no – sense to me, seriously though boundaries can in the spiritual context have a very confusing outcome. I feel that we need to consider the situation in the moment for what it is and the various degrees of emotional triggers that come up around the word itself and the individual interpretation and how you would express these. I myself have found having boundaries around my own spiritual practices and within the intimate physical relationships with loved ones and family has helped me to avoid spiritual and emotional burnout, a condition where we give so much of our personal energy to a situation that when we return to the cupboard for ourselves, we find the cupboard bare, depleted, where we physically experience body and mind exhaustion. Having been there, done that already this year I am not about repeating this experience, so hence I am taking my own advice more seriously.

Being physically present in a human form, allowing source energy to flow effortlessly through you, into the situation or the person themselves, limiting the spoken words even, just listening to the other person while allowing the energy to flow between you is all that can be required in a given moment. There is never really a time limit involved for how this happens, just a few moments of quiet contemplation, or a longer energy session depending on the needs of the person and the energy guidance from their personal team of spiritual guides/angels. A simple catch up over a coffee and cake or champagne and cake can work miracle wonders on a persons energy field, one of my preferred types of energy exchanges.

This leads me into the selfcare aspect of this blog, taking good care of your individual needs to keep you emotionally, spiritually and physically topped up to a point of overflowing even. Selfcare can be anything that nurtures the mind, body, soul aspects of you. I myself as a Relaxation Massage Therapist love massage, especially with therapeutic essential oils, and my all time favourite combined with hot stones. I simply melt into the table from this type of selfcare, to the point you’d be hard pressed to distinguish my physical body from the table itself. I also resonate with the vibration of music, song lyrics, melodies so etherically blessed in their ability to allow a transcended moment of total bliss. Another passion is travel, slightly curbed by our recent worldwide travel ban, however in the past I have enjoyed numerous trips to the sunny Queensland state in Australia and our Cook Islands which I hope in time to revive and return too.

Thirdly : Groundedness – say what ???? a very familiar word used in our spiritual communities and among practitioners of the healing arts. What on the earth does this mean? Again I can only give personal examples of my own understanding of what it means to be grounded. I feel it is best explained in this way, to be present in physical form of course but importantly in an emotional and spiritual way as well. To practice mindfulness in the artform of how we listen to another person, more from the perspective of hearing their voice, feeling the emotion, being aware if it, but not absorbing it or taking if on as a personal mission. To allow the conversations in those physical moments in which you make a connection to flow, where the other person can truly express themselves in an environment which is safe. Our dictionary speaks of ‘ grounded – as being well balanced and sensible. Most importantly I feel groundedness in this context is to be – present in presence –

Our crystalline babies are very adept at aiding this practice, to become more grounded, more present in our physical bodies, there are many varied crystals and gemstones you can use to access the supporting vibrations. Another good practices is gardening, placing your hands in mother earth dirt, and also placing your feet either on the earth/ground for periods of time throughout your day, and or in the salt water to cleanse them. The most important aspect would be finding a practice that suits the individual needs albeit guided by well meaning spiritual friends along the way. I feel that for us as individual soul beings on this gorgeous blue green planet Earth, we find the ways that resonate for us, irrespective of all the monumental amount of spiritual advice offered online in blog chat rooms and websites.

A little tip of mindfulness practice I have recently learned from another spiritual friend is to remember when your in a energy sharing exchange moment between someone on your table during a session or in conversation with a person it is about the amount of energy your give out to the other person. Keeping in mind it may not be received in the same or equal energy input that you have given. Depending on where that person sits in their own awareness of self and their personal understanding of their soul aspect, they may at best only receive at a lesser level of what you’ve shared. Monitoring your output with the input received is a very conscious and respectful way of honouring the individual spiritual journey of another person. Your intention in that moment is to openly be a vessel of clarity and wisdom in that situation without focusing on an outcome according to your personal egoic needs.

So a gentle reminder to end this blog is this – you are a vessel for pure source energy to flow through unrestricted and not a container to hold it –

Who Me…Yes You…


Do we remember this little rhyme from our childhood ” who me, yes you, couldn’t be, then who … Well no doubt we are all familiar with it. What does it actually mean though? In the context of what is currently playing out as an earthly experience at this time.

Who Am I? Who Are You?

Perhaps the singular most important question we all have on our minds is What the hell is really going on right now ?

My blog isnt filled with airy fairy antidotes of what is happening currently worldwide or is it about having an opinion either.  I think we can all agree we’ve all had enough of peoples thoughts, visions, conspiracy theories, factual and non factual stories plastered all over social media, Twitter, Instagram and our own media outlets on our TV screens.

So then … why bother with a blog at all… well the truth be told via my own personal perceptions I feel we need to lighten the air just a little bit and provide a gentle yet fun interlude of  these interesting times of what it is to be in a lockdown scenario for over seven weeks to date.

We’ve learnt about levels, on a level we never thought was important or even interesting. We learnt to view each other with suspicion yet kinder eyes all in the same breath. We discovered the joy’s and difficulties of spending quality time at home with our loved ones, while trying to navigate shopping for essential items at our grocery stores, joining long queues and respectfully maintaining the required social distancing rules with each another.

Who would have thought in this lifetime we’d all be having such a varied yet similiar experience under such strict guidelines and rules imposed by our current government regime. As I sat here today in my home, contemplating the last six and half weeks, I am gently reminded of how it was for all of us back then at the beginning of such a crazy and emotional time for us all. An emotional roller coaster ride with many pitfalls of ups and downs.

So back to the question of Who Am I … Who Are You…

Who Am I… well if we apply this in the context of over the last six weeks or so then my answer would be I have no idea. Cue a lot of laughter out loud, why laughter you say ? Who I was six weeks ago versus who I am today as I write this blog are two completely different aspects of the one person. By this I mean that going into lockdown, the energy pulsating around at that time was so steeped in fear and anxiety none of us within our communities were unaffected or immune to its effects.

I remember my first visit to the Supermarket in week one …the energy of fear was palpable, it was everywhere, in the air, in the faces of every one I encountered, no one wanted to look you in the eye, every one looked away and ran away from each other in fact.  It was when I think back to that moment very surreal albeit very scary and unbelievable. I got back to my car and burst into tears, I was feeling so many conflicting emotions which I struggled at that time to understand.  So I went home, and spoke to the husband, made him our designated shopper for our household from that point forward.

Now as you know, most of us women have a fairly good idea on how to shop, buy want we need and to cover all the pantry basics. When you surrender that job over to the husband who in the past sporadically did our grocery shopping and always with a specific shopping list, trust is paramount during this exchange in roles.

I know for myself I had to give over the control, trust this process and what you consider essential items actually become items on a list of possibles and sometimes more of a maybe list if the item is not in stock.  We experienced a shortage of essential items in our supermarkets like never before, people began hoarding groceries well before this crisis hit our country which meant many people were left struggling to get food items to feed their families at home.

Streets were deserted and businesses closed except those who were Essential Businesses and or supporting these places. There was a criteria you had to abide by to stay open, however 90% of all businesses closed their doors with the uncertainty of not knowing whether they could financially be able to reopen at the end of lockdown.

It was truly a scary time and still is actually for our communities our neighbors and our small businesses all around the country.  Our lives truly did change in ways not all of us were prepared for. It will take some time I feel for people to feel comfortably safe again in their individual communities at their places of employment  and across the country.

The second half of the question, well this is directed more towards a deeper meaning of self reflection. After all of this how has one shifted into a place of understanding that isn’t coloured by the emotions of fear, anxiety and doubt. Who Are You…in the bigger picture, is more of a question to your individual heart.

How will this experience allow you as a person to move forward in your own Life… with compassion, empathy, kindness and grace. Firstly for yourself and collectively towards everyone else around you, loved ones, extended family, work colleagues and the strangers within your community. The ones you eventually locked eyes with over the top of a mask and stood behind in a queue albeit with the required two metre social distancing aspect, we’ve become so accustomed too.

We experienced our first Mothers Day 2020 in our own individual Bubbles, separated from our families and loved ones. New parents went through agonizing  separation during the birthing process. No Baby showers, no cuddles from Grandparents  and or extended family members.  We lost loved ones during this time which created experiences for families that was gut wrenchingly cruel and heartless, individual moments of  grief that created memories for many which will take a very long time to overcome.

As we all collectively pray for a release from these self imposed prison cells we’ve become accustomed too, I ask that we take a moment of heartfelt prayer for those in our communities to whom their faces are unknown to us but who exist and have suffered numerous personal loss, heartache and grief  through these times with very limited support and or Aroha from anyone. Our homeless people and those living on our streets.

As we move towards a rainbow of hope, joy and freedom, may we all take a moment of quiet contemplation for the learning we’ve all experienced during this once in a lifetime situation. May we look towards a future with a knowing that it is truly possibly for all of humanity to come together despite current circumstances in a real sense of unity.

Dictionary meaning of Unity – is being together or at one with someone or something. It’s the opposite of being divided.












New Beginnings Yet Again 2020


A sunrise anywhere around the world is a spectacular sight to view.  The array of a multitude of colour that fill the sky during a sunrise simply takes your breath away.  It becomes a memory that we gather together within a jewellery box of special moments.

A sunrise signifies the rising of a new day, yesterdays experiences, difficulties, joyous moments albeit  forgotten in favour of a opportunity to begin all over again.

We choose moving forward into a new day with a sense of anticipation combined with a slight amount of fear. The unknown future that is a new beginning can sometimes manifest insecurities and doubts in our own ability to trust the process ahead while remaining calm and at peace with our own sense of purpose that is.

We would agree that 2019 has been an incredible year of change – in so many ways for us as individuals, collectively as families, and universally as a planet.

I guess the question we all ponder from this point moving forward is where to from here ?.  There are a myriad of answers available to this question no doubt however the most important answer would be on a personal level, where too from here for me?

I feel that as a soul here in this now moment in linear time, I can confidently answer : I have no clue whatsoever. Cue huge laughter out loud into the deep expanse of our skies as I gaze longingly for the answers to fall from above.

My personal experiences this year have proven challenging for this little human, so much universal knowing combined with the unknown in the given day to day moment.

I created a sacred space at home from literally thin air, so many messages from spirit guiding the process but very little financial support at the time to aid the process. I had to learn to choose the right paint for my walls, trusting in an energy feel of each possiblity, then apply it to the walls. I am no painter and the guides I had were purely in spirit and energy form. So that was a fun exercise, applying it in a way that simply just flowed.  The room completed itself, peices moved into the space effortlessly and at minimal cost. I was astounded at the timing of it all and  the sychronicity of  how it all came together.

I lost my Aunt, the very last of her line, which now meant as first cousins we were all considered the elders in our respective families. A huge responsibility for many, and a role some are reluctant to take up, which considering the deeply felt grief at the time, understandable.

I underwent a significant change within my own family when a clash of belief systems meant that as siblings we took different sides of a coin and made a conscious choice to no longer interact with one another unless completely neccessary. We may share the same parents and have been born into the same family, however this is the only similarity we now share to date.

I deeply struggled with this grief from losing my siblings in this way which triggered a memory from my childhood, when at the tender age of 5 years old, we moved with my three siblings and our Mum to the big scary City from a little country town of Mangaweka. Our Dad had secured a new job and a new house and the beginning of a new life for his family in Auckland. We travelled up on a train through the night to a place that was new and very scary for a 5 year old. As a child I learnt very early on in my life that change can be a fearful experience. My siblings weren’t able to help me understand this change either. They were no doubt in their own way struggling with this new move, this shift in their little lives, unable to comprend what was a very strange family journey for all of us.

Fast forward to the day Mum and Dad moved from the family home in Mt Roskill to then take up residence at several other homes over a space of many years until finally resting at a home in Mangere East where my Mum passed away.  This meant Dad would have to move and find a new home for just him, without the constant support and love from my Mother by his side.

We move into the future now where our family home along with three other homes were bulldozed in favour of putting up 19 new town houses on the land space. These new homes became exciting places for others within our community to now live in and enjoy.

Adjusting to the change with our own family as my daughter and her husband began a new life overseas in Australia with our three grand daughters.

Then in September this year I needed to move back into the role of Accounts Manager within our family business, unexpected and yet timely in how this change took place.  We then needed to secure a new premise after 17 years at our old place, the divine will of change blew gently yet purposely into our lives yet again, it was time for a shift  into a new  premise. However with nothing on the horizon, we prayed, we held the faith and trusted that all would be provided for us and it was.  The new premise was secured and created into a workshop space and office we could all work from collectively.  It was found in the space of a two week deadline and sealed with a handshake and total trust.

Blessings upon blessings rained down upon our efforts to trust in the unknown – yet known. I recreated, reconfigured and refocused the energy surrounding our business and a new stronger, cleaner, brighter business was born out of the ashes of the old. Like a light infused white gold phoenix bird rising up from these ashes we moved into a future of incredible abundance in all areas for us as a company and on a personal level.

As an individual soul I needed to beleive in myself in a way I didn’t know was possible. I had the most incredible support system in play from my immediate family, and loyal and trusting friends, soul sisters and their families, by my side all of the way. These friends are not family by bloodties but family by individual choice. These soul connections I treasure beyond explanation and the understanding we have between ourselves that defies logic or emotion. I am here today because of this kind of loyalty and love that expands through all timelines all lifetimes.

So as we face an uncertain future ahead of us, 2020 hindsight, a future that has no predetermined outcomes or expectations, a future that is filled with opportunities and a sense of forward momentum. I ponder another question, how has surrending to the emotion within the many and varied changes I have personally undergone helped me, soul aspect me to become more grounded, less fearful of the future ahead?

The answer to that question indeed puts me into a place of deep reflective thought, and I need to at times gentle remind myself to go easy, to laugh more, to stop and find the simple pleasures in life that fill my heart with joy, with love.

To simply learn as a spiritual soul in this form how important all these changes I have recently experienced are, to find easy effective ways to ground into this little human these energetic changes with as much ease and grace as I can handle in any given moment.

The picture was taken at Kaiaua in New Zealand, a sacred place and family Bach on the East Coast, this year  2019.















Our Spiritual Journey is the Awakening of our Soul

asphalt-automobile-blond-hair-1927572So here we are again contemplating another blog and with the wisdom and intuitive knowing hidden within the energy layers of the words flowing into a paragraph of thought, my thoughts that is. I have pondered upon the spiritual journey that is mine and wondered how I could define it, or to explain it or share it even if I were ever asked.

There is in most spiritual awakening experiences a defining moment when we can track back to the beginning aspects of our journey, we can pinpoint the timeframe, the incident when our spiritual journey began or shifted its course into something we feel is so unexpected. In my own experience it was the life saving surgery I now refer to as life affirming  back in 2005, spinal surgery from a growth in the top of my spinal cord I didn’t even know was ever there to begin with.

Neither my surgeon or anyone else I knew at that time could explain the answers as too ‘ why ?  how ? where ? this sudden life threatening condition came from. So I became locked into a place of bewilderment, anxiety and fear about the outcome of this surgery. My family, were all very confused about how this unfolded for me as prior to the diagnosis I had no symptoms or indicators in my health that anything was wrong up until this point. This health crisis began to unfold in the space of 4 months very quickly in fact, that I had very little actual time to consider any other options. It was surgery or  death.

I remember my surgeon saying at the time of my appointment I had about 6 weeks, and then I  would most likely be dead. He had a cancelled surgery appointment most likely because that patient died before their own operation was able to happen due to their timely death. This surgery was my last possible option to save – fingers crossed- my life.  I had a two week window between that appointment time and actually surgery. The negatives out weighed the positives, the likelyhood of dying on the operating table was high, however my surgeon assured me he was the very best in his field of expertise and he wasn’t about to lose a patient this way.

That was over 15 years ago now, and I am still here. I woke up those 15 years ago from surgery  a different person. I didn’t fit into the mould I had created for myself and I began a search for answers. I surrendered an old belief system, and I began a slow and difficult journey into discovering the real me. I prayed for mentors and teachers of a spiritual vibration to come into my life. I started to hear the voices of my tupuna/ancestors encouraging me to search for different answers to my many and varied questions I had. I began trusting the ‘ other voices ‘  and I began a ‘ remembering of ancient learning and wisdom ‘ that superseded all I had ever been taught up until that moment.

Along the way I made spiritual connections with incredible soul beings whom I recognized  instantly and many mentors and teachers who shared their individual learnings with me and provided the clarity I desperately searched for.  I still struggled with an underlying knowing I had although  I wasn’t confident in myself at the time to question the information that didnt quite sit comfortably with me during this learning process.  So I quietly began a separate journey away from these mentors and found the courage to stand up tall and say, No… that doesnt sit well with me.

I did come up against resistances from a few mentors and teachers, about no longer wanting to be a follower of their words of thought and or teachings. Through fear and anxiety I allowed myself to feel belittled and to feel less than I knew I actually was inside. This meant that I stayed silent about this growing feeling of unease and stayed a little while longer in these situations.

However my team or in my personal case my Interstellar Light Crew and the  Ancient Ones, two very large groups of spiritual and light beings interwoven together like a korowai cloak around my shoulders, became very energectially vocal about the reality that I no longer needed outside mentors to guide me further on this spiritual journey.

I stepped away and became totally and completely reliant on my own intuitive knowing and began to trust the wisdom and syhchronistic  messages that began to come through to me. In the past I had surrounded myself with so many spiritual friendships because of a like mindedness in our thoughts and experiences as we supported each other in becoming different individuals to whom we once perceived ourselves to be.

When we gather in groups of people of this nature it was comforting and joyful and time itself became unimportant, you felt as if you could forever and ever talk about all things pertaining to your spiritual growth.  My personal experience and memory of these times were that I began a longing for these gatherings, and I felt deeply sad when I wasn’t hanging with these friends all the time.

It also meant that my non spiritual relationships started to suffer a lack of attention, I realised  I was becoming slightly unbalanced in my point of view, about them and about spending quality time away from them. Fortunately over time I began to realize the imbalance between the two camps and I started to change my behaviour towards both, and slowly began to find more of a balance between the spiritual and non spiritual connections.  I also began to understand myself more deeply  and the reasons why I was so drawn to these associations, I began to realize that something was lacking in my non spiritual relationships, and in my situation I also began to gain a consciousness about my individual  circumstance and I realised what I saw as missing from one connection was in fact there all the time.

I began a personal journey of understanding  my own personality and how that impacts on those love ones around me and how I had been passing a judgment of them and their own understanding.  It took a long journey of self discovery to come into a place within myself to accept the fact that my spiritual journey is in fact ‘ my journey ‘ and not theirs.

I also began to understand this Soul journey of mine and how my human personality aligns with it in such a way that my interactions with others can become more peacefull or not.  I realised that this human personality I have can come with a whole lot of expectation along with frustrating thoughts and feelings on how my life should unfold. This of course can turn into a hilarious comedy of errors although thankfully I have a healthy sense of humour where I can laugh at myself and in laughing at myself I am not taking my mistakes or errors in judgment too seriously or to heart.

I stopped laying the blame at my life partners feet and blaming his apparent lack of spiritual awareness which I formed as a judgment of him and actually not a truth at all.

I started to focus on myself and creating a truer reflection of my own growing awareness and began to find the balance between having spiritual interests while maintaining a caring and loving relationship with him.

I stopped hiding my thoughts and feelings about the growing awareness of my own spirituality outside of what I had grown up with and I started to speak up in a kinder way with heartfelt intention and most importantly love to my life partner, my adult children my grandchildren and my extended family and friends.

I had finally found the balance I had been seeking inadvertently for over 55 years of this human lifetime through this awakening process. I  have a much deeper understanding of my life partners reasons for being a part of my earthly life and I am respectful and mindful of his individual spiritual journey is his and his alone.

We have a soul agreement to walk somewhat harmoniously together side by side down the same road towards a mutually rewarding outcome. We agreed to have two children and now enjoy the joy and the role of grandparents to our grandchildren. Five beautiful girls Aallyn, Qiana Naea, Maiarayne and Brayden, whom we lovingly interact with on a daily basis when time and family commitments allow.

So in summary I feel that our individual spiritual journey is one where we can walk down a road of personal self discovery and self love that it can become an experience filled with so many beautiful and unexpected surprises, joys and blessings of abundance. Thankfully we have a catalogue of spiritual food available in the form of books, videos and inspirational speakers to inspire the awakening within us so that our personal soul journey becomes a place of true peace, tranquility and grace.




What is Energy


So I wasn’t planning on writing a new blog so soon after my last one however recent conversations with a friend had me thinking along these lines, of discussing What is Energy? How does it work ?

We have all had an experience of what we personally feel energy is, a feeling, you know, you just love how being around a certain person makes you feel, your all giggly and happy and your conversations are so on point, almost as if you finish off each others sentences. This person or persons just make you feel good about everything and you can discuss the difficult subjects with ease and grace with these people.

Now the interesting part here is discerning a like mindedness from a sexual attraction likeness. This is where it can sometimes get or become a little tricky for some of us. During an awakening process you experience different stages of awareness, firstly within yourself and secondly about the people or friends you have in your immediate circle or new people, strangers albeit a better word. Our human mindset struggles with the concept of liking someone who we have just met, whom we supposedly don’t even know. We may even begin to confuse these feelings these thoughts into thinking – am I secretly attracted to this person?  but how can I be? I am in a relationship and I am happy aren’t I ? why am I feeling this way ?

Now : STOP !!! Breathe…in…Breathe Out…

It is all okay, this isnt a test of your preconceived ideas of infidelity or loyalty within your current relationship, this can be a simple and truer recognition of soul family from another time, another place not present here on Earth, perhaps from a time in our Cosmos, where many ET beings from all planetary star systems came together to be a part of an event here on Earth. These volunteers from all these star systems were asked a soul changing question that would prove quite difficult, painful in a human sense and even for many a loss of their human life here on Earth. These star friendship connections were made : signed sealed and delivered hidden inside the memory banks within the human DNA. Awaiting a moment in their human experience when these memories could be unlocked, when we can stand smiling with out stretched arms towards this total stranger and the words softly spoken are – hello again my dear soul sistar/brother, it is an honor to connect and remember each other.

Now a few slight hiccups may occur when one recipient remembers more than the other person. This is where ‘ feeling ‘ energy comes into play for us, if we quietly stand still enough and let the energy between one another speak a frequency language all of its own, we can allow that vibration of thought, of knowing speak a language which both individuals can interpret to hopefully mean they are known to each other and that this divine meeting in this moment is excatly as it is meant too be.

For some of us, it can be a Soul connection in the form of an intimate memory from the past, for others it is a soul kinship that has lasted eons and eons and the reconnection here on Earth can become a very supportive and comforting experience. Many of us have had many lifetimes here on this planet, and others like myself have only but a few, in my case five in total which I have complete recall over, this earthly experience is my last, and I get to return ‘ home to the stars ‘ after this one.

It is this feeling, this knowing, this joy deep down in our Soul that tells us, whispers to us in our dreams, in our constant thoughts that we know this person, stranger or not, very well and we can trust their reasons and our own for being in each others lives at this time. A few things to keep in mind when meeting our soul kin from far away, is that each individual has come here with a specific soul plan in mind a sense of purpose shall we call it. This can mean they may or may not remember who we are ; free will being a paramount guiding force here on Earth means we must respect the individual journey for what it is and learn to discern and trust these human emotions and feelings for what they truly are.

In some cases we may indeed be reunited with a past soul love in this time, and enjoy a fruitful and happy time together providing you both agree to have this experience with each other. You cannot however be forcing your energy, your knowing, onto another person because your feelings and emotions are so strong for them. Even though society has you conditioned in believing ‘ you must be together ‘ no matter the cost too others who may be involved in this experience as their current partners. It takes a certain amount of spiritual maturity to recognize the energy between yourself and another person, to discern these feelings and emotions for what they really are and to act in way that is genuinely respectful of one another and also honors the moment of remembering.

So Energy as a ‘ thing ‘ can be very useful in discerning certain situations and or people. Our intuitive knowing call it gut instinct is something we really need to learn more deeply about and to trust it, no matter what others may say to you. Sometimes we can find that the words spoken don’t always match the action of the person, or it’s just a feeling you get, that’s energy speaking to you, introducing itself well before the person actual talks.

We can feel the energy around us, we can tune into it or out of it, we feel the energy of our environment, we feel the heartbeat of Papatuanuku/Mother Earth, Gaia. We feel the energy of our native plants, our trees, our rivers, our seas and all living sentient beings in every form, insect, bird, animal here on our beautiful planet. We feel the energy of each other, some we are inexplicably drawn towards and experience profound joy and knowing that astounds our human intellect when around these people. Others however whom simply repel us energetically, whom we feel uncomfortable and uneasy around them. These are perhaps individuals who may seem to have an unhealthy over the top fake interest in you or even a sense of undisguised hostility towards you.

The difficulty can be when this energy comes from people in the past we have had no issue with, neither a good or bad vibe and then suddenly this person is making you feel strange, there is a feeling in the pit of your stomach that feels icky, feels like a stomach ache almost, yet you have previously trusted this person, shared alot of personal information with them, considered them a close an intimate friend, so these new feelings are at odds with what you’ve previously known about them. Our mind can kick in and you begin a head debate about the situation, weighing the reasons for and against why your feeling this way, ignoring the intuitive warning signals.

The learning here is being able to discern, trust, and act accordingly without doubt or clarity needed in that moment. If the shoe don’t fit first time, then dont be going to get a shoehorn and forcing that shoe onto your foot. In other words more simply put ‘ walk away ‘ you don’t even have to explain your reasons why, just take your gorgeous self away from the energy that feels plain dodgy. Your spiritual Team/Crew/Angels will give you the understanding in time at a later date for sure, until that moment, get up, turn around and say No! …to the experience.

My Interstellar Crew have me so well looked after I don’t attend or go to any events unless I feel 200% okay with the energies present, I respectfully understand we are all enjoying varied and different earthly human experiences, and this entails lots of wonderful and different healing modalities, however if it doesn’t resonate then that’s a ‘ no ‘ from me. I do however enjoy the challenge of walking through certain places and gauging the energy present, and discerning if I can help in anyway to diffuse or enlighten the energies present into an unconditional vibration of love. Beleive it or Not I love airports and shopping malls, these are good places to hone your energy discernment skills, with your own protection boundaries in place you can walk anywhere within reason of course, and feel energetically safe at all times.

When choosing certain Practioners of the Healing Arts, it is a necessity that you practice firm boundaries especially around yourself first, you may need to actually verbally express these preferences at times with an over zealous therapist or healer, however your intuition should provide very clear energy guidelines for you when choosing a person and their healing gifts. I myself am very careful about hair sylists, as they are often up close and personal within my energy aura and they are working around my crown chakra. It may sound weird and a little wonderful but I have a full head of long hair that I refer too as does my Team as my spiritual wifi, so you can see not just anyone is allowed to get all up in my hair, my intuition is very highly attuned so I pick stylists energectially and I trust my Team to bring the right stylist to my attention. I have never to date been dissapointed in the choices I make. Even the very close friendship connections I have are based along these same energy guidelines. As an intuitive reader of energy in all its variable forms, I find that practice improves upon perfection, well a good 9/10 times it does. The occasional 1% may or may not slip through, either way, I love that we beleive in the greatness and good of all humans no matter what.

So my overall conclusion here where energy is concern is is trust your individual intuitive knowing, that gut instinct, it will not let you down nor will it lead you down a soul path you aren’t completely happy with. If you are struggling with your ability to trust yourself, then seek out the help of others around you, whom you already have a significant amount of trust in about who they are and what they have as energy gifts. These ones are considered Lighthouses of pure Light and Justice, and are quiet easily distinguishable in these hazy times of doubt and fear.

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time in a far far far away land lived young girl who was dreaming of meeting her Knight in Shining Armour, her Prince Charming, hoping, praying he would ride into her life and rescue her from her dull and dreary existence…

Isn’t that how our fairy-tales all started, well at least something along those lines anyway, the Princess in those stories always waiting a rescuing  Prince of sorts. This is a familiar fairy-tale story line we have all swallowed down with an uneasy feeling of doubt, although some of us  grew up with, trusted in, believed in them. As we became adults and begun to learn the difference between fact and fiction  we quickly learn that these fairy-tales aren’t real, they’re a distorted version of events designed to create anxiety and stress, a need by a greater power to control us through fear and disillusionment.

So how do we disengage from the fairy-tale presence that surrounds us?  How can we even begin to create a story line that full supports our current way of thinking? Whereas in the past when we followed the masses, and echoed these sentiments as our own, how do we make a stand for our own truths, our own views, even against such great odds?

As we look around the World in which we all live we are witnessing a time when those who are choosing to speak out against the flow of misdeeds and dishonest practices are suffering persecution and disbelief  because of their courageous stand. Irrespective of this though they’re still willing to stand firm and speak their Truth. It is this stand, this form of integrity which I for one admire and support, and I celebrate their individuality, their determination their love of humanity, that no matter the odds, these Leaders continue to be speakers of their Truth.

I myself struggle with the constant flow of disinformation and distorted facts that comes in the form of our so called trusted media, our televisions, programming and advertising, we have reached a point of truly not being able to trust any of our news sources or newspapers or even the information on the internet.

My question again is : where do we go for the guidance  from hereon in? Where do we turn too for the real facts, not fake news? How do we even consider or discern for that matter truth from fiction? It is so easy to become weighted down by the constant barrage of horrible and despicable events in our media, the news carry an energy of fear and anxiety wrapped up in pretty sparkly wrapping paper of stress and hopelessness.

I know what it is I know, that there is a deeper and more meaningful existence to life on this planet, however I feel lately that people like myself are becoming a minority, almost fairy tale like in our points of views, we are hard pressed to find others like ourselves who want too, still have the ‘ will ‘ too think outside the norm, to still have the hope that humanity can turn things around.

I see now how many on a spiritual awakening path remain closeted away from the masses, are considered loners, weirdos, and even choose not to interact unnecessarily with others. Is it the right thing to do you may ask?  I know it feels easier at times even safer in an emotional way to remain detached and untainted by the worldly events around us, but isn’t that exactly what some of us signed on for with this particular lifetime? We signed up for participation didn’t we? We agreed to become Movers and Shakers for waking up the people, for providing an alternative way of thinking, of acting, of existing in this world.

When I began this blog I wondered even if my words, my thoughts, my vision of this world in which I live in matters. What if this blog is just a bunch of words and paragraphs put together in a haphazardly way with no thought to structure of how if may or may not be interpreted or understood by those who happen upon it.

I am inspired to write and share when spirit moves me to do so, to trust in this process of thought guided by only an intuitive invisible strand of  knowing and wisdom beyond my limited human life. I believe with my whole Soul that mankind has the tools and the wisdom to turn things around and for all of us all races on this Earth to begin to see one another as real people, not by the color of our skin, or judging one another by our varied and different belief systems.

I feel it is important that we don’t isolate ourselves, seek out the others like yourself, who feel as deeply as you do, who see the energy in this current reality for what it is, those others who have a connection, an awareness that is greater than what exists as in here and now. Seek out each other and talk about your feelings, your experiences, share your humanness, your own fears, disappointments, sorrows, don’t allow these emotions to overcome you or engulf you to the point of believing there is no hope.

Find new ways to share each others passions, that special thing that makes you tingle all over and inside, that warm fuzzy feeling that turns into the biggest and goofiest smile on your dial. Get involved in events, parades, protest marches if need be, make a stand to no longer stand on the sidelines doing nothing while feeling afraid to do something.  Look for chances, for the opportunities, the unexpected ways that can bring your heart, your soul into total alignment of self, knowing your participation is going to become a future signpost for some else coming along behind you.

Don’t judge yourself in believing a little action can’t make a huge difference, imagine all the little actions coming together to form huge lasting changes for the whole of mankind.  Others within our communities, our families, and within our relationships and connections with others can truly benefit from our making a stand for our own individual truth. You don’t need proof, or examples or clarity even, these times in which we presently live in only require the courage to step forward into the light and be seen by those seeking and searching for hope in a physical form.

So I end this blog they way I started it with ” Once upon a time we all became our own individual fairy-tale in understanding the story can if we choose so, have the kind of happy ending that we can all be proud of in a way that matters for the whole of humanity and not just the Princess or Prince Charming.”


Kaiaua, here in New Zealand 2019